TMJD Sessions

Massage Therapy Sessions for TMJ Dysfunction
Intra-Oral TMJD treatment

What is TMJD?

TMJD is short for TemporoMandibular Joint Dysfunction which can include many symptoms and issues relating to the jaw and neck. Manual therapy sessions can be extremely helpful in reducing and often eliminating the cause and symptoms related to TMJD.

Some of these symptoms can include:

  • Clenching or grinding your teeth - Many times this may happen while you are asleep but can become a daytime issue as well.
  • Stiffness or tenderness in your jaw muscles
  • Clicking, popping or pain when opening and closing your mouth
  • Heachaches
  • Loss of ability to open your mouth wide

What Are Some Causes of TMJD?

  • Poor posture - Head forward and slouching.
  • Blows to the head - Falls, concussions and car accidents very often lead to the start of jaw issues.
  • Regular clenching and grinding.
  • Dentition - Improper alignment of your teeth can alter your bite. (Check with your Dentist)

How I Can Help

  • Thorough assessment looking at your postural alignment as well as sitting and sleeping postures.
  • Further assess the ability of the jaw and neck joints to move properly.
  • Manual therapy of the neck, head and jaw muscles.
  • Manual therapy of the jaw muscles while working inside your mouth.
  • Exercises specific to your pattern and symptoms.

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