Structural Integration 4 or 12 Series

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 4 and 12 Series

ATSI 4 and 12 Series

The Structural Integration 4 series is a great introduction to structural bodywork and can initiate changes in your posture and alignment. It can be helpful in releasing minor tensional patterns that originate from structural imbalances.

The Structural Integration 12 series is a more in depth approach to structural bodywork and can create and maintain a positive change in your posture, alignment and movement patterns. This series is incredibly effective for chronic pain or multiple nagging injuries.

The ATSI 4-Series

The ATSI-4 series is focused on the one or two most obvious areas that need to change for your body to feel better.  It's not meant to spend four sessions working in one area to bring local relief. We will end up working on areas that are located far from your pain in order to bring ease to your area of concern. Your pattern may be body-wide and we need to create balance throughout your entire system. Throughout this series we address the front, back and sides of your body, then end with a more freestyle session depending on the areas that are bothering you the most.
  • This series is more of a tune up and won't allow us to address serious long standing issues around pain and deeply engrained postural patterns.
  • The sessions are ideally completed weekly to get the most benefit from the series.

The ATSI 12-Series

The ATSI-12 series allows us to focus on very stubborn postural, movement and pain patterns that have been with you for quite some time. Our body takes time to change and these sessions together over 4-5 months allows us the opportunity to address those patterns. The series begins with the first 4 sessions addressing the superficial layers of the body, the 5th to 8th sessions dive into the body’s core support systems, and the last 4 sessions integrate the previous 8 sessions.

Although the focus will vary from session to session, all treatments will usually involve some shoulder and neck work and start with superficial structures first, then head into deeper compartments of the body.

Some of the positve changes we are looking for include:
  •     Skeletal alignment and improved posture
  •     Decreased restrictions in movement
  •     Greater kinesthetic and body awareness
  •     Reduced pain
  •     Feeling length and openness in your body
  •     Resiliency / An improved ability to handle more and stay balanced through times of injuries and stress.
  • The first 8 sessions are completed weekly, though there can be an occasional skipped week. As we progress to the final 4 sessions they are spread out every 2-3 weeks.
ATSI 4 Series

 Session 1: Superficial Front Line

  • Postural assessment
  • Front of the body from feet to neck

Session 2: Superficial Back Line

  • Back of body from feet to neck

Session 3: Lateral Line

  • Side of the body from feet to neck

 Session 4: Freestyle Session

  • Focused more on your area of complaint
ATSI 12 Series

Session 1: Superficial Front Line

Session 2: Superficial Back Line

Session 3: Lateral Line

Session 4: Spiral Line

Session 5: Lower Deep Front Line

Session 6: Upper Deep Front Line

Session 7: Deep Back Line

Session 8: Head, Neck and Jaw

Session 9: Lower Body Session

Session 10: Upper Body Session

Session 11: Arm Lines

Session 12: Final Session

"Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others as an unflattering contour of their body, others as a constant fatigue, yet others as an unrelenting threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age. And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that is has been ignored: they are off balance, they are at war with gravity."

Ida P. Rolf, Creator of Structural Integration
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